HomeKratomKratom and Heart Health: What You Need to Know

Kratom and Heart Health: What You Need to Know

What You Need to Know About Kratom and Heart Disease

Kratom is a popular herb that has many benefits. This article will explain how it has some potential side effects, including on the heart. This article will be a brief guide that will help you learn about Kratom and heart health.


Kratom is used for various reasons, and this article scratches the surface on how to use Kratom for heart health. If you have never heard of Kratom, you might assume it is illegal. It isn’t. Instead, Kratom is more akin to coffee because it is a dietary supplement that can be purchased online. What makes Kratom — sometimes also referred to as Mitragyna Speciosa — unique is its active ingredient: mitragynine and 7-OH-mitragynine alkaloids.

Some people use Kratom to relieve pain, but it can also cause some side effects. You should avoid using Kratom if you have any heart problems or other health conditions that make you vulnerable to side effects from the herb.

What Are The Effects Of Kratom On The Heart?

The effects of Kratom on the heart are not well-understood at this time, but there are some indications that it may cause problems for some users, like heart palpitations, chest pain, and even cardiac arrest.

This effect can be seen when someone takes too much Kratom, which causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure while decreasing oxygen delivery throughout the body (hypoxia). 

It’s important to note that these effects are temporary and not dangerous—they go away once you stop taking Kratom. They also appear to be dose-dependent: the more Kratom you take, the worse these symptoms are likely to be.

The short-term effects of Kratom include increased energy, reduced appetite, and euphoria. 

Longer-term use can result in tolerance to these effects as well as dependence and withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of use.

How Does Kratom Affect Your Heart Rate?

Kratom bad for your heart

When you take Kratom, the chemicals in the plant enter your bloodstream and travel throughout your body. One of these chemicals is 7-Hydroxymitragynine (HMG), which can increase your heart rate by as much as 20 beats per minute (BPM). This increase in heart rate can be especially dangerous if you already have an existing condition that affects your heart function.

Because Kratom can have both stimulant and sedation-like effects, there are some concerns about its impact on the heart. However, research suggests that there are no significant side effects on blood pressure or heart rate when using moderate amounts of Kratom.

Kratom Can Cause High Blood Pressure

When you take Kratom, your blood pressure temporarily increases. The effects of this increase are similar to drinking a cup of coffee. People who already have high blood pressure are at risk for adverse side effects such as thrombosis, stroke, or heart attack if they use Kratom regularly. Most people won’t experience any adverse reactions from this effect.

Kratom can produce stimulant effects when taken at low doses, but larger amounts can result in sedative effects.

Kratom Can Have Stimulant-like Effects

At minimal doses of 1–5 grams (g), Kratom serves as a stimulant, providing consumers with more energy and making them feel more alert and gregarious. As a result, they may also become more chatty.

Kratom Might Produce a State Of Sedation

Kratom’s effect on sedation is mild. It can be used to treat people with anxiety, depression, and even insomnia. Kratom’s sedative effect can be attributed to the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. These alkaloids are believed to act on the opioid receptors in the brain to produce a depressant effect

Kratom Can Have A Negative Effect On The Heart When Taken With Other Medications

The use of Kratom can have a negative effect on the heart when taken with other medications. The risk is higher if you are taking drugs that affect the central nervous system, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications. However, some clarity is needed to understand that kratom and heart health has been the subject of much research and further studies are necessary to address this issue.

Kratom’s Adverse Cardiovascular Effects

Kratom can cause various adverse cardiovascular effects, most commonly tachycardia and hypertension. If taken with other medication. The exact mechanism of action for Kratom in these cases is unknown. However, it is thought that Kratom may trigger the sympathetic nervous system and increase blood pressure by activating alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in the brainstem, which can lead to vasoconstriction of blood vessels throughout the body. It is essential to be aware of the potential for cardiovascular problems when using Kratom and to avoid using it with other drugs that could cause this effect.

Must Read:  Where To Buy Kratom In Europe?

Kratom’s Adverse Cardiac Rhythm Effects

Kratom has been linked to abnormal heart rhythms (cardiac arrhythmias) in some people using high doses of the drug. It’s unclear whether this effect is caused by Kratom itself or with other illicit substances or medications interaction in the drug mixture;(e.g; Antiarrhythmics, antipsychotics, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and antidepressants) that affect the cardiac rhythm and lead to cardiac arrhythmia.

Kratom’s Adverse Ventricular fibrillation (VF) Effects

A few case reports have suggested that kratom use may lead to ventricular arrhythmia, especially ventricular tachycardia, and fibrillation if taken with other medication. The interaction may result in cardiopulmonary arrest, also known as cardiac arrest.

Kratom’s Association With Ischemic Heart Diseases and Other Cardiovascular Toxicities

Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree that contains mitragynine, a psychoactive substance that produces stimulant effects when consumed. The drug is commonly used to treat chronic pain, but it has been linked to a number of severe medical conditions, including ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular toxicities.

Kratom’s psychoactive alkaloids remain poorly understood. Therefore, the question of whether kratom use can cause cardiotoxicity or ischemic heart disease risk merits further investigation.

Is There a Rational Path Forward With Kratom?

It is essential that people are educated about the risks and benefits of kratom use. Educated consumers, who have some knowledge of the potential benefits and dangers associated with a product, are less susceptible to misleading claims. 

It would also be safer if people knew the exact doses they were consuming and that it was free of contamination.

The only way to use Kratom in a heart condition is to be careful about the dosage.

Kratom is known for its ability to help with pain and anxiety, but it can also cause serious side effects, especially if you have a pre-existing heart condition. If you’re taking medications for high blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues, it’s important that you talk to your doctor before using Kratom.

If you’re considering taking Kratom for your heart condition, make sure you take the correct dose. Doing so will help avoid any adverse effects that could be caused by improper use of this substance.


How much Kratom can I consume?

There is no one-size-fits-all dosage of Kratom. Each person reacts differently to the herb; the correct amount will depend on your body’s needs and the type of Kratom you’re using.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Consume Kratom?

The legal age to consume Kratom is 18 years old. However, you should always check your local laws before purchasing or consuming Kratom.

Is Kratom Dangerous?

The short answer is: no, Kratom is not dangerous. It has been used safely for centuries and is generally considered to be a safe herb. However, it should not be used in combination with other medications, especially stimulants, because this can cause the heart rate to increase.

What Are The Health Risks Of Kratom?

The health risks of Kratom are generally mild, but they can be more severe if you consume too much. The most common side effects include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting

Final Thoughts

Recent studies show Kratom use can be potentially dangerous for those with a history of heart disease. Although it does not appear to do damage to the heart muscle, it still causes an increase in blood pressure. This puts more stress on your heart and could increase the risk of either stroke or heart attack depending on how much Kratom a person uses and how often they use it.

However, Kratom has been shown to relieve those suffering from various ailments. Still, it is important always to ensure you get the most out of your kratom experience. Given what we now know about the benefits of Kratom, those inclined to take it should seek the advice of qualified health and wellness advisor. This way, people can continue to enjoy the natural benefits of this plant without having to worry about adverse side effects or health complications that may arise in the future.

Kristie Leong
Kristie Leong is a medical writer, researcher and a blogger with 13+ years of experience. She maintains her own personal health blog as well. She owns knowledge base that covers a wide range of medical fields and she loves to express her health knowledge through her words. Expert in medical marijuana, CBD oil, Kratom, Kava, Matcha and other botanical.

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