HomeKratomKratom For Opiate Withdrawal Treatment Guide

Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal Treatment Guide

Kratom is considered as one of the best withdrawal remedies. Getting rid of opiates can be tough and the use of Kratom makes the process a lot easier.

This native plant belonging to Southeast Asia is gaining popularity and different ways to use Kratom for opiate withdrawal are emerging every day.

Now, the researchers have revealed that the natural composition of alkaloids found in Kratom tends to reduce the withdrawal symptoms in opiate addiction, making it one of the most powerful remedies for this purpose.

Kratom is the famous tree of Southeast Asia which is getting the status of a miraculous tree. It grows naturally in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and joining areas. For centuries, it has wide use in native medicines of these areas.

The amazing psychoactive effects of Kratom are due to its alkaloid rich leaves. These leaves are now available in the form of dried leaves, fine powder, tincture, and capsules.

What Makes Kratom So Strong?

The tree of Mitragyna speciosa, commonly called Kratom has special bioactive compounds called alkaloids in it. These alkaloids predominantly cover leaves and sometimes in stalk too. The people of its native areas of growth used to chew the raw leaves, smoke them and use them in formulating medicines.

Complete profiling of Kratom alkaloids is now complete. Two most abundant alkaloids of Kratom are Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxy mitragynine. Mitragynine is the most abundant alkaloid which is basically a stimulant.

Adding to this, 7-Hydroxy Mitragynine is more of a sedative and analgesic compound which stimulates too. [ref]

What is the Reason For Recreational Use?

Although Kratom is under extensive research for the medicinal benefits one should not forget that it was always a recreational tree.

It is a personal mood modulator and stimulator with relaxing properties. However, these effects are highly dosage reliant. [refref]

At initial dosages, Kratom is the best herbal nootropic which serves its functions well. It starts from a stimulatory effect which turns into stress relief and finally sedation.

These effects last for 3-6 hours depending upon the user status and previous experience.

What is the Medicinal Use of Kratom?

Kratom is showing more of a medicinal tree than recreational reasons. It is helpful to treat pain, either acute or chronic. It also helps to the east the withdrawal symptoms of chemical drugs. Kratom works best to reduce fatigue, stress, depression, and anxiety.

The traditional usage also includes Kratom to provide relief in diarrhoea. The latest research proves that Kratom has a pain-suppressing effect. [ref]

What is the Opiate Withdrawal Effect?

Opiates hinder the functioning of the brain and promote a high feeling which is pleasuring the brain and body. The Central nervous system has receptor sites which bind to opioids. This attachment induces various mental and physical effects.

A repeated or over usage of an opioid drug can interfere with the natural working of the brain. The end result is a permanent dependence which may bring other effects too. All these effects are collectively called “withdrawal effects”.

The effects of withdrawal range from mild to extreme, it depends on how much dependence the user has. The duration of use determines the nature of dependence along with medical conditions or bodily changes. Expression of these effects may vary from person to person.

What are the Symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal?

The most common effects to experience during opiate withdrawal are following.

  • Fluctuation in blood pressure
  • Digestive problems
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Irregular sleeping cycle
  • Insomnia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Dysphoria
  • Craving
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness

These symptoms last for three to seven days, almost making it a week. Kratom helps to ease these symptoms because the natural potential of alkaloids is to ease these conditions.

Effects of Withdrawal on Body

The effect of withdrawal appears as a variable between body systems. It is a complete body experience which includes brain too. The effects start from the brain. There are three areas of the brain which it can hit.

  • One is a limbic system which is the control room for the body. It governs all the changes in behavioral and psychological for the body. It is responsible for emotional roles, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
  • The second part is the brain-stem which controls the respiration, cardiac activity, and temperature of the body. Lastly, the spinal cord transmits the messages between the body and brain.
  • When the body is under the effects of opiates, it exhibits lower body functions, pain, flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath and mood swings. Indigestion, dehydration, nausea and diarrhea are also mere possibilities.

An individual is under stress, unable to sleep and whole this process makes him anxious.

Does Kratom Help for Treating Withdrawal Symptoms?

Kratom can be helpful to make the withdrawal process of opiates easy for the user. It helps against the common symptoms and makes sure that they go away soon. The potential of Kratom as an opiate withdrawal help has support from historical evidence.

The southeast Asian region has numerous cases to show the effect of Kratom in such a situation. Unfortunately, there is no sufficient medical research on Kratom, particularly on its opiate withdrawing effects. It is now under extensive research and soon there will be scientifically proven evidence too. [ref]

How is Kratom Helpful?

When a user becomes opioid-dependent, he starts experiencing the symptoms as soon as he leaves using the opiate drug. It is a specific condition which makes the stimulatory effects to come.

Working of Kratom and opiates are more or less the same. Kratom mimics the working of common opiates like heroin. The difference is that Kratom is herbal and is not harmful like opiates. In fact, Kratom helps to reduce the severity and nature of withdrawal symptoms.

When the user takes Kratom, the stimulation which comes is same as that of opiates. Additionally Kratom works on other brain functions which reduce the discomfort of withdrawal effects.

The alkaloids in Kratom are strong enough to overcome opiate withdrawal. However, they do not cause any dependency or long-term addiction.

Instead, different strains of Kratom have a soothing and pacifying effect on both the mind and the body.

Kratom does not have the potential to cause addiction. Nevertheless, it is better to transition away from Kratom after the opiate withdrawal is over instead of stopping it suddenly.

This prevents the body to suffer from an abrupt change and further reduces the chances of addiction.

How to Use Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal?

When it comes to using Kratom for opiate withdrawal ease, the method should be known to all Kratom users. There is no scientific basis to determine this method, as there is not much research on Kratom from the past. [ref]

It is better to take all the information on Kratom use and select the most suitable method as per the user’s previous experience with Kratom. Generally, there are a few steps try for treating opiate withdrawal with Kratom, a few of which are as follows.

  • Stop using opiates at once and do not consume even a little dose during the withdrawal period.
  • Take Kratom occasionally for treating opiate withdrawal effect. Using it frequently can cause addiction.
  • Consider Kratom as detox support, during which there must be no use of opioids.
  • Using on empty stomach has added benefit.
  • It is not suitable for frequent use.

The different ways to use Kratom for opiate withdrawal depends upon the tolerability and the required level of the user. For beginners, mild to moderate doses of less active Kratom strain might work too.

However, for experienced users, high amounts of Kratom might be needed. It is always safe to start taking Kratom in small doses only.

Mentioned below are some ways to take Kratom for opiate withdrawal in order to seek comfort.

Toss and Wash Method

This is an oral method of consumption in which the users place Kratom powder directly into the mouth. The Kratom powder then can be swallowed with the help of juice or water. The process requires special skills otherwise, it may leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Toss and wash method is generally a non-popular approach, however, it provides the fastest route for the absorption of alkaloids.

Mix and Match Method

The mix and match method is one of the simplest ways to take Kratom powder.It involves taking a specific amount of Kratom powder and adding it to any beverage.For example, orange juice can pair up with Kratom powder in an ideal way This is one of the best ways to use Kratom for opiate withdrawal because it gets rid of the bitter taste and unpleasant smell.It is convenient as the process requires only two things i.e. Kratom powder and any type of drink.

Kratom Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is an enjoyable and rather mild way of using Kratom for opiate withdrawal. The preparation requires the users to boil Kratom in water. Additional ingredients like cinnamon, honey and lemon are also beneficial for added taste. Kratom tea is mild but an extremely suitable way for continued use in case of opiate withdrawal.

Mix and Eat Method

Mix and eat method is similar to mix and match and the only difference lies in the type of food used. In this method, Kratom is paired up with a food item instead of any solvent.

It is better to use food mixed with Kratom as soon as possible. Otherwise, Kratom may interact with the chemistry of the food and might convert into something else. Leaving this food mixture for use later sometime is not advisable as Kratom alkaloids are interactive. They will interact with the food composition and may disturb their taste within one hour only. Different food items can be used in the mix and eat method. Some of these choices can include applesauce, honey, oatmeal, fruit yoghurt and more.

Kratom Pills

Kratom supplements are one of the most popular ways to take Kratom for opiate withdrawal. The supplements are available in the form of regular capsules and are equally effective as other methods. The accuracy of dosage is excellent with the use of Kratom supplements. The only problem in following this method is that Kratom supplements take a longer time to absorb into the bloodstream.

Which Dosage is Ideal for the Users?

Opiate withdrawal is an extreme effect for which Kratom needs sufficient strength to work. It suggests using Kratom in a considerable amount which can initiate the healing effects.

The general dose of Kratom which works for everyone is between 1-4 grams. It is comparatively less in the case of enhanced strains or tinctures. The regular Kratom powders or capsules need this amount as a standard to follow. [ref]

For new users, even the low amount of Kratom works better. But this low amount is not that much to reach to produce healing the withdrawal effects.

The user profiling indicates that opiate withdrawal needs a high amount of Kratom to suppress. This high amount of Kratom is generally between 5-8 grams. However, for experienced users, the dose can be more than 8 grams.

Using a high dose can be risky, as it can induce dependence or addiction.  The low or moderate dose may not work for all users. Also, each user is different. Nothing works the same on everyone. Which means one has to experiment for finding the respective suitable dose of Kratom. [ref]

Must Read:  Mixing Green Malay And Maeng Da Kratom: No 1 Combination For Energy And Mood

How Kratom Produce Tolerance?

Kratom tolerance is a real thing which can hit the user in a certain situation. It takes long term Kratom use to produce this effect. Sedation usually requires a high amount of Kratom to work. In the case of tolerance, the user needs high amounts of Kratom to work for him.

The common reasons for the body to develop Kratom tolerance are enzymes of the lover which metabolize the Kratom alkaloids. The metabolic rate increases with Kratom use which causes the receptors and bonding of body cells and alkaloids of Kratom to reduce in number.

The natural mechanism of the body is to maintain a balance which the body tries to do. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work properly and initiates a condition which requires a high amount of Kratom to work.

Kratom addiction is different than Kratom dependence. Addiction is an irresistible desire to use Kratom whereas addiction is the overwhelming involvement of Kratom to perform body activities.

It is better, not to use Kratom on a daily basis. Using it a few times, let’s say three times a week is the best. This strategy works to reduce the risk of tolerance addiction and dependence of Kratom.

Opiate Rotation with Kratom

The alteration between different Kratom strains reduces the risk of tolerance. Kratom itself is very powerful which may become problematic for the user. The best way to overcome all the possible risks with Kratom is to follow rotation.

It is better to use different Kratom strains. For example, if red vein Kratom strains are good for easing the opiate withdrawal effects, the user can switch between multiple red vein Kratom strains. Fortunately, there are so many strains of Kratom available nowadays. It gives many options to select from.

This inconsistency of Kratom strains makes the body confused. It becomes a problem for the body receptors to build any tolerance when the user is following a rotational scheme of Kratom.

However, it may be difficult for a user to schedule the strains due to different alkaloids concentration. It may be confusing for the first time users.

How Long Do I Need to Take Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal?

There is no hard and fast rule for this. There is no time frame to take Kratom as every individual is different. Many things are taken into account, most importantly the severity of the opiate addiction.

The type of opiate addiction depends on the type of opiate. A person who has been taking I/V hydrocodone will take longer to get rid of opiate addiction in comparison to another person who takes it once in a while. Also the physical health of an individual matter.

According to a narrative on a drug forum, a guy took hydrocodone for four years. He would take a dose of 80mg to 100mg daily. It took 2 months for him to withdraw opiate when he took Kratom for opiate withdrawal.

The general outline as to how much time a person requires to get rid of opiate addiction with Kratom is that one should go for 15-30x extracts. Extracts are rich in concentration so they are more beneficial. Take a dose of 75-100 mg twice a day for almost a week.

The other option is to take an optimal dose of Kratom on a daily bases which can start from 2 grams and reach 4-5 grams until you start feeling that the pain associated with withdrawal is ending. At this stage, gradually taper the dose of Kratom.

Those who have a severe opiate addiction; they usually need a dose of 9-10 grams. And they require frequent doses, almost 3-4 times a day (every 4-5 hours).

Do not use more than 30 grams of Kratom per day in the initial few doses.

Hence, by Day 4 you can start reducing the dose of Kratom. On this day most of the discomfort associated with opiate withdrawal is reduced considerably. Day 5 on-wards the dose of Kratom shall be less than 5 grams.

Usually, most people will stop experiencing Opiate Withdrawal symptoms by day 8. But the consumption can continue for 30 days if the withdrawal symptoms do not subside.

What are the Side Effects Associated with Intake?

Side effects of Kratom depend on the type of Kratom being used and duration of Kratom being consumed. Some of the common side effects are constipation, drowsiness, nausea, abdominal cramps, headache, and fatigue. However, higher doses can cause severe side effects.

Therefore, it is recommended that a controlled dose of Kratom shall be taken for opiate withdrawal.

Is Kratom Addictive?

Yes, it is mildly addictive therefore it is just that you reduce the dose of Kratom after initial 3-4 days of consumption. If taken continuously for longer duration in large doses, it causes addiction and on quitting it may even evoke withdrawal symptoms similar to that of opiates.

Summing up, opiate withdrawal symptoms last for around 7 days on an average.

The time period may increase if one is already in addiction to Kratom and in cases of severe addiction to opiates like hydrocodone and oxycodone.

However, do not lose hope, you can take Kratom for up to a month or two in controlled amounts to get rid of the opiate addiction.

What are Cautions for Using Kratom?

Regulation of Use: Kratom needs extreme regulation, particularly when one is using it for easing the withdrawal symptoms. Least dose will not produce a satisfactory result and overdosing is simply the worst idea. It will make the condition even worse.

Using the Right Strain: All Kratom strains are not beneficial for the respective reason. The concentration and quantity of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxy mitragynine is not same in all Kratom strains. It is necessary to use a strain which is beneficial for the right reason.

Avoid Possible Interactions: Interactions by mixing Kratom with other potentiators is not a wise idea. It may lead to an adverse health effect which is problematic for everyone. Opiate withdrawal effect usually needs a high dose which often brings sedation too. In this situation, mixing it with another sedating compound will accelerate the effect by multiple folds such as alcohol or benzodiazepines. It is not a recommendation to try it.

Risk of Side Effects: There is no severe side effects of Kratom unless one takes it in extremely high dose. For beginners, this risk has some value but the regular users know how much Kratom will work. Serious health problems of Kratom are rare. The only risk which it may bring is tolerance which needs a long term use to show up. More long term side effects are dizziness, weight loss, suppression of appetite, anorexia etc.

Other Herbal Remedies for Opiate withdrawal

There are many herbal remedies for Opiate Withdrawal, and it is a necessity of time to extensively study these resources to find the best treatment regimen for Opiate Withdrawal. Some of the necessary remedies mentioned below;

Ginseng Plant

A perennial plant with the active alkaloids called ‘Ginsenosides’. These alkaloids are responsible for reducing fatigue and lethargy that happens due to the withdrawal of Opiates.

The fatigue that results from quitting can hinder normal day to day activities thus Ginseng plant can be of great benefit, otherwise many people revert to the use of Opiates.

Ginseng is also responsible for improving the adrenal system and helps the body strengthen its response to stress, fight fatigue and cope anxiety and help it normalize all the imbalances.

To use Ginseng plant for opiate crave take 1-3 droppers, 2-3 times per day or as needed.

Passion Flower

Passionflower has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions, but our sole focus would be on Opiate crave.

The withdrawal symptoms that are cured by Passionflower include; insomnia, night terrors, GI distress, nervousness and excitability, pain and high blood pressure.

It can also treat depressive states. It works by inhibiting monoamine oxidase via harmaline and harmine.

It also contains flavonoids that act as MAO inhibitors that include apigenin, quercetin, and kaempferol.

MAO inhibitors raise the levels of serotonin in the body that is also called the happiness neurotransmitter.

The release of norepinephrine and epinephrine increases energy and help the body respond to stress, fatigue, and depression.

The increase in the levels of dopamine results in feelings of pleasure and excitement.

Passion flower also induces the release of GABA that acts as an anxiolytic neurotransmitter.

It can be used in the form of capsules of dried herb, tea, liquid extracts, and tinctures.

According to users, you may take 12-20 drops per day divided into 3-4 doses.

Kava Kava

Also, known as Kava it has been used as a sedative and analgesic and to improve mental clarity as well as cognitive thinking. The main active ingredients in kava are called kavalactones.

These kavalactones develop social abilities of an individual and induce a state of euphoria. It helps in muscle relaxation and also acts as an anxiolytic and anticonvulsant.

It can be used in the form of kava tea, capsules, extracts or kava tinctures.

For getting rid of opiates, 1-2 capsules three times a day work like magic.

Mucuna pruriens

Velvet beans or Mucuna Pruriens contains Levodopa which converts to dopamine.

Dopamine promotes pleasure and enjoyment, increases mental focus, improves motivation and helps one revive daily activities in life.

Deficiency of dopamine in the period of withdrawal results in anhedonia i.e. the inability to feel pleasure or enjoyment.

Mucuna helps one restore dopamine stores in the brain. Mucuna helps in treating insomnia, boosts mood and decrease the opioid cravings.

For withdrawal take 2-4 capsules of Mucuna pruriens 2-3 times per day. It should be taken on an empty stomach.


Ginger has phytochemicals called gingerols that are structurally similar to COX 2 inhibitors and help in relieving pain and GI distress. It can use for muscular discomfort.

Other remedies include the following:

  • Ibogaine Root eliminates addiction in a short period.
  • Gabapentin
  • Advil
  • Clonidine
  • Ibuprofen
  • Tramadol
  •  Imodium
  •  Xanax
  • Activated Charcoal

Also, you can practice yoga, exercise to get rid of muscle cramps. Long baths in warm water and massages also help. Try sleeping more to avoid the suffering maximally.

Acupuncture also helps to ease the pain. Only drugs and herbs can’t cure the Opiate withdrawal symptoms, so it is necessary that you go for nutritional support and take multivitamins. Hydration is a must.

Taking NSAIDs can considerably help along with topical analgesics for muscle cramps.

Anti-diarrheal medication recommended in the withdrawal period along with natural sleep supplements.

Final Thoughts on Kratom For Opiate Withdrawal Effects

Kratom is a miraculous tree which produces relaxing effects during withdrawal period of an opiate drug. The dosage of Kratom needs accuracy and aiding in withdrawal effects needs a high amount of Kratom to work.

The dose which works for most of the users is between 5 to 8 grams. However experienced users need more than that.

Rotating the strain is an ideal approach to avoid undesirable effects. It prevents the Kratom to induce an addiction which a regular Kratom use brings after a long term use.

Kratom is powerful and it needs equally careful administration for proper working.

Scientists have confirmed that the natural alkaloids of Kratom can successfully reduce the intense symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal.

There are different ways to use Kratom for opiate withdrawal and any one of them can be selected to revolutionize lives that are currently dependent upon opiates.

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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