HomeCBDWhat Does CBD Oil Feel Like? Does It Give...

What Does CBD Oil Feel Like? Does It Give You A Body High?

Cannabinoid or CBD is like a hot potato these days. Not only people discuss but also use and take the most advantage of CBD oil-related products. No doubt it is a blessing in disguise, CBD’s popularity and need are revolutionary that has awed the world with its enormous therapeutic properties and more like Ayurveda system of medicine.

But why Cannabis-related products are still highlighted as unsafe and unreliable? Let’s clear the misunderstanding and get to the background of this miracle plant.

Cannabis sativa – The wonder plant

The plant has been highlighted since years due to its negative popularity among the people.

It is known to produce downregulating effect in the human body, meaning it creates “high” feeling in its users. However, the crucial part of identifying this feeling is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) element.

It is a psychoactive constituent of cannabis, which causes some adverse effects such as lethargy, dizziness, hallucinations, decreased motor coordination, and slurred speech, behavioural and mood changes, suicidal ideation like negative thoughts and feeling.

While declaring the culprit, we got to know the brighter side of the plant. Among the various classes of the plant, the classical and advantageous one is Cannabinoid.

Wherefore, obtaining from the leaves of cannabis, is one of the active 113 cannabinoids, making it a major constituent that gives 40% extract from the plant.

It is a non-psychoactive element of the plant that is further proved to provide therapeutic and medicinal benefits while producing minimal or no adverse effects.

The Cannabinoid is separated from the plant by the extraction process with organic solvents. Hence, safe and legal to use.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol or CBD oil is extracted from the leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant, made from high-CBD and low-THC, unlike most of the medical marijuana products that are made of the high-THC psychoactive element. While CBD dominates the plant’s composition, CBD oil contains only minimal traces of THC.

Because of the reason, the products made from CBD oil are non-psychoactive that interact with our naturally occurring biological systems and does not cause a high. Hence less controversial, safe to use and provide maximum health benefits.

What effect does CBD oil cause in the human body?

Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a naturally present biological system that is a leader in optimizing bodily tasks.

The great neurotransmitter EC system has primary functions like homeostasis regulation, neuroprotection, immune regulation, and stress recovery.

It tends to control every crucial activity such as mood, energy, appetite, memory, motor control, reproduction, sleep, bone formation, and pain perception.

Now somehow CBD interacts with Endocannabinoid systems like a key and lock mechanism.

The cannabinoids in CBD oil are agonist that specifically bind to special receptors known as cannabinoid receptors or endocannabinoids.

These receptors are densely present in CNS and other organs that includes skin, digestive tract, and reproductive organs.

By consuming CBD oil, you are flourishing the key and lock mechanism while letting the cannabinoids from cannabis closely attach to endocannabinoids.

This process led CBD tap into the bodily function, fine-tune the organ systems, optimize and balance the biological methods and let alone produce therapeutic effects in the human body.

Does CBD cause “high” feeling?

As we have discussed above, CBD and its related products are composed of high-CBD and low-THC elements. Since the psychoactive component – THC is eliminated vastly in CBD oil; it does not cause “high” feeling in its users.

Instead, CBD oil provides immense scientifically proven medicinal benefits with minimal or no adverse effects.

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How does CBD oil taste?

Beginners to CBD oil are often reluctant to experience the taste of viscous oil. The nutty, earthy or grassy taste of CBD oil comes from the unfiltered organic hemp plant.

The flavour comes from the organic compounds present in CBD oil that includes chlorophyll, cannabinoids, natural terpenes, and various nutritious materials.

Two best methods to take CBD oil orally are via ingestion or sublingually (under the tongue) for 60 seconds. If CBD’s flavour is bothersome, you can always gulp it with yoghurt or ice cream.

The ideal technique to eliminate the earthy taste of CBD is to mix it with a morning smoothie, shakes and even sprinkle a few drops of oil on your breakfast cereal.

How to make CBD taste really good?

You can mask the earthy taste of CBD oil mixing it with coconut oil or lemon juice. This way you can always layer down the raw grassy taste for better flavour while having maximum satisfaction.

Or another best way is to customize your own CBD capsules at home with minimal efforts for your quantity requirement.

All you need to do is open up the capsules, carefully fill the larger end of a capsule with oil using a nozzle. You can also add coconut oil in the capsule along with CBD oil for additional nutritional benefits.

Use other CBD oil products to avoid the pure “CBD oil” taste

There’s always a solution to every problem! For those who struggle with the earthy taste of CBD oil can opt for other means to intake the miracle oil rather than going through the unwanted grapple.

Many companies have manufactured various CBD oil-related products for their customer’s need and requirement. Such products range includes,

  • CBD oil in a filtered form

CBD oil is further filtered to eliminate the plant’s chlorophyll and excess plant residues. That gives a more refined form of CBD viscous oil with a less earthy taste.

Many companies have started manufacturing flavoured CBD oil tinctures, which comes in natural flavours like cinnamon and peppermint to mask the grassy taste and provide the punch of other nutrients.

  • CBD oil capsules

Capsules in any form can be gulped with water or juice in no time. CBD oil capsules have been available in the market for people who struggle with the raw taste of CBD.

  • CBD oil edibles

Edibles like CBD gummies and candies are also available in the market specifically for individuals who tend to run away from CBD oil taste.

Benefits of CBD oil

Not a surprise that CBD is ruling the world in terms of its nutritional benefits and medicinal properties that heal a number of diseases both physical and psychological.

Several studies have proved that CBD is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective and not only that it also has anti-cancerous properties beneficial for patients suffering from a major disease.

Some of the evident importance of CBD is:

  • Treat epileptic seizures
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Alleviate mood disorders while inducing concentration and attention
  • Lower incidence of diabetes
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Relieves nausea


CBD oil no doubt comes in a miracle category that provides a list of medicinal benefits, therapeutic and also essential oils like satisfaction and advantages.

Not only this oil provide benefits, but it is indeed safe modality that does not cause red eyes, cottonmouth, and paranoia. Hence, reliable for all!

Jennifer Kurtz
Jennifer Kurtz studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Cannabis, Nootropics, Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies.

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