HomeCBDTop 15 Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

Top 15 Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

As we age, the programmed immunity reduction and various environmental factors make our body prone to a different set of physical and psychological deformities.

A number of mental illnesses either make individual combat the life traumas or adapt to the alterations of brain mechanism. This in response could impact the social, financial and emotional life of a sufferer.

According to several different types of research based on human health issues, CBD from the cannabis Sativa plant has enormous health benefits to overcome physiologically as well as psychological traumas.

Therefore, acquiring a suitable lifestyle, appropriate diet plan or procuring natural remedies like CBD oil is beneficial for individuals suffering from health complications.

What is CBD oil?

While discussing the remedial strategies for victims of distresses, it is essential to highlight the significantly growing product- cannabidiol (CBD oil).

This miracle oil is manufactured from the stalk and seeds of the cannabis Sativa plant, making it free of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) element.

CBD or hemp oil is specifically high on concentrations of over 85 cannabinoids that are safe, highly relevant to use as a natural remedy and offers numerous different health benefits.

Why is CBD Oil safe to use?

CBD interacts with the ECS – endocannabinoid or endogenous system naturally present in the human body.

ECS controls the homeostasis mechanism of a body or general state of balance. It also makes sure to regulate the normal functions, such as sleep, appetite, mood, hormone regulations, pain, and immune response.

Like a high wire acrobat, the endocannabinoid system corrects and validate the body’s reaction with respect to environmental changes.

On several different preclinical and clinical studies such as Non-psychotropic plant

cannabinoids, CBD possesses a wide variety of therapeutic properties, including analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipsychotic, anticonvulsant, antiemetic, anti-arthritic and antineoplastic properties.

Top 15 health benefits of CBD oil in the human body

1. CBD is the best stress reliever

According to a well-known research CBD and the neural correlates of anxiety, the high concentration of CBD directly activates the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) in the brain. Thereby, endowing an anti-stress effect. Serotonin receptor is eminently involved in a wide range of neurological and biological processes in the human body.

Similarly, it is documented that due to the benefits of CBD oil, it becomes a major stress reliever due to neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process in which new neuron forms in the brain.

The benefits of CBD oil promotes proliferation and cell cycle progression when cannabinoids activate CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. It is also evident that the non-psychoactive compound in cannabidiol makes it the anti-stress element in nature.

2. Cannabidiol oil manage mood and optimizes energy

The benefits of CBD oil include managing mood and optimizes energy.

Cannabinoid chemicals discovered in CBD are known for enhancing the energy levels by exciting each body cell separately.

A research conducted on animals, mentioned in the journal of CNS and Neurological Disorders drug Target in the year 2014, has given credence to the existence of anti-depressants & anti-anxiety elements in CBD provides the serene effect. As benefits of CBD oil gives rise to consciousness, combats psychological illness, and subdue the physical pain.

When CBD compounds face-off with dopamine receptor it subsequently arouses the behavior to feel concerned about the daily tasks and revitalizes cognition ability to seek rewards.

CBD pharmacology shows supremacy in controlling the receptors of the body and brain by altering the mood swings, trauma, depression, and anxiety recurring in a normal state of mind.

3. Cannabidiol relieves anxiety and depression

It is found that cannabinoids in the cannabis Sativa plant that is free from THC elements are essential for fighting anxiety disorders.

A review from Neurotherapeutics suggests that benefits of CBD oil efficacy tend to reduce and improve anxiety behaviors, such as General Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,

Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder. The mechanism of the naturally present endocannabinoid system in our body is regulated optimally with the use of CBD.

In 2014, a study conducted on animal models showed fewer instances of anxiety and depression when treated with CBD.

4. Cannabidiol manage epilepsy and other mental health disorders

Chemicals in CBD have the power to control seizures due to epilepsy. In a survey done on the children with treatment resistant-epilepsy, 80% of parents reported that they noticed a significant reduction in seizure frequency in their children while taking CBD.

In a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in the year 2013, it is documented that CBD is a potential medicine for the treatment of diseases like epilepsy,

vomiting, nausea, anxiety, schizophrenia, and neuroinflammation. Similarly, several types of research emphasized the management of psychosis by the use of CBD.

It was observed in a study on schizophrenia, by the use of cannabidiol the clinical symptoms improved significantly in the patients. It induces anti-psychotic activities, however, it is not clear which region of the brain produces the dynamic properties.

5. CBD has anti-cancerous effects

Chemicals found in CBD has the power to fight against cancerous cells in the body. It has the antitumor effect that could be used to improvise the standard treatment of cancer.

CBD blocks CPR55 signaling in the brain that in return decreases cancer cell proliferation.

According to well-documented research on cannabidiol against cervical cancer cells published in the year 2016, the CBD induces apoptosis with or without cell cycle arrest. This study showed that due to the benefits of CBD oil,

CBD stopped cancer cells growing in the cervical region. Another study elaborated that CBD treatment helps in the increase of cancer cell lysis by lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells.

Cannabinoid also increases tumor cell death in leukemia and colon cancer. Thereby, these findings prove that cannabinoids have an antitumorigenic mechanism.

6. CBD is essential for diabetic and cholesterol patients

Diabetic patients need to be very vigilant in choosing proper diet and lifestyle to combat problems related to diabetes.

CBD oil is packed with nutrients that not only are beneficial but help to moderate the blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

Must Read:  How Do You Make Your Own CBD Oil?

Due to cannabinoid’s low carbohydrate and sugar content, CBD oil is a safe food additive for diabetics. On the other hand,

CBD oil also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which help lower cholesterol in arterial walls of blood vessels.

Due to the benefits of CBD oil, metabolic processes accelerate hence triggering fat burn at a quicker rate and minimize the deposition on the heart vessels.

7. Cannabidiol regulate cardiovascular function

CBD boosts adenosine receptors in the brain which in return regulates optimum cardiovascular activity in the human body.

Cannabis has shown that while limiting the cell damage, it also offers cardio and neuroprotective effects subsequently after ischemic events like heart attack and stroke.

These benefits are fundamentally due to the presence of a vital cannabinoid found in cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD).

In recent Pediatric research on the animal model, the administration of CBD shortly after a stroke indicated the protection of neurons and astrocytes from damage.

Therefore, confirming the improved functional, biochemical, histological and neurobehavioral recovery.

8. CBD oil mediate pain perception and anti-inflammatory responses

Due to CBD’s anti-inflammatory mechanism, it plays an essential role in therapeutic properties, proving a great response against inflammation and pain-associated disorders.

CBD controls the growth and mobilization of neutrophils.

One of the studies related to pain documented that CBD evokes antinociceptive effects in a manner similar to the systematic administration of CBD. It also elaborated that CBD can modulate different sensorial and affective dimensions of pain.

9. CBD may protect from neurodegenerative diseases

CBD protects the neurons in the brain from possible damage due to multiple reasons.

Neurodegenerative diseases are mostly related to genetics, which affects body normal functions like balance, movement, breathing, talking and heart function. In a study Retinal Neurotoxicity published in The American Journal of Pathology, it was elaborated that by the potential use of CBD, the protection of neurons culture occurred from the glutamate-induced death of retinal ganglion cells.

Cannabinoid compounds in the cannabis plant have an abundant amount of anti-oxidants greater than Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and Vitamin E (a-tocopherol).

Due to the significant anti-oxidative properties, CBD offers essential therapeutic use as the neuroprotective agent.

10. CBD oil for fibromyalgia

Many people around the globe have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It is a chronic disorder that indicates pain in various parts of the body, especially joints and skeletal muscles.

The endocannabinoid system in a human body has receptors that interact with CBD and manage the optimal level of the central nervous system, immune system, and bone structure.

Therefore, CBD is significant in helping patients with low pain threshold who are sensitive to pain. According to DR. Allen Frankel, individuals can obtain instant pain relief through the use of CBD.

Cannabinoid binds with the so-called microglial cells, as a result of validating the reduced cytokine count. Microglial cells have recently been highlighted as a potential pain, fatigue-inducing, and cause of inflammation in several diseases. Hence,

CBD subsequently allows the reduction in pain in people suffering from fibromyalgia.

11. CBD helps patients suffering from Alzheimer

Alzheimer’s is a serious neurological disorder in which the death of the brain cells occurs. This could lead to serious memory loss and a reduction in cognitive abilities. In the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, research showed that CBD was able to prevent the deficit of social recognition in subjects of the survey. As a result,

CBD is proven to prevent the loss of ability to recognize the faces of people the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease. This makes the potential evidence that CBD could restrain the signs and symptoms of the disease.

12. CBD oil boosts Immunity

Elements like linoleic acid invigorate immunity by slowing down the process of aging, fighting psoriasis by hydrating the deficiency of fatty acids and regulating intestinal flora.

Fatty acids like Omega 6 and Omega 3 found in CBD oil also counteracts aging skin, alleviates cardiovascular deformities and adds flexibility to the body by building a generic barrier against microbes.

13. Cannabidiol helps to rejuvenate skin, hair, and nails

CBD oil is considered to have traces that form interchangeable mechanisms alike skin lipids, which allows regeneration of insipid skin by moisturizing and pacifying it, and all of this is possible due to the vast presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

Usefulness comes to play for dehydrated skin and nails by augmenting the elasticity of the skin and continued possession of water in the tissues.

Moreover, it is a remedy for dry scalp and hairs that can be enriched via the inclusion of oil in the conditioners.

14. Cannabidiol promotes bone growth

In a study documented in the year 2015, related to the effects of cannabidiol on bone healing done on the animal model, claimed that the cannabinoid ligands regulate bone mass.

The research confirmed that CBD leads to the improvement of biomechanical properties of the fracture callus. Thereby, indicating the optimal level of fracture healing and demonstrating the critical mechanical role of crosslinking collagen enzyme due to the benefits of CBD oil.

15. CBD oil aids in digestion

A healthy appetite is a subsequent component of a healthy body, especially when a proper diet is required to heal the illnesses.

Some of the mental or physical illnesses contribute negatively to decreasing appetite. This leads to great prevention of the body to heal itself.

By the use of CBD, the appetite could be stimulated to the extent that a sufferer wouldn’t want to take extra-nourishing supplements, stated in the article on National Cancer Institute. In the human body,

CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors which in response play a significant role in regulating feeding behavior CBD also eases vomiting and nausea due to the number of primary illnesses such as chemotherapy done in cancer patients.


Due to the several benefits of CBD oil and minimal adverse effects, this powerful natural remedy is essentially used in combating the number of different health issues.

However, it is safe to discuss the dose and usage of cannabidiol with a health care professional beforehand.

Ruth Hadfield
Ruth has been a freelance medical writer for the past five years, ranging from academic papers to blog posts to magazine articles. Her speciality is writing product reviews and medical instruments. Besides writing she is a registered nurse with a bachelor’s degree, living in New York with her mother.

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