HomeKratomDoes Kratom Cause Anxiety & Panic Attack?

Does Kratom Cause Anxiety & Panic Attack?

Long are the debates on the therapeutic benefits of Kratom. Being a natural stress reliever, it is used for panic and anxiety removal. It is such a common thing that numerous users believe it to be better than medicines. These psychological effects have equally high criticism.

Among the whole criticizing part, anxiety and panic attacks by Kratom are the most common threats. Let’s see if Kratom can induce these side effects or not, and if yes, what are the circumstances for it.

User benefits by Kratom

There is no doubt in the remedial effects of Kratom which are physical and emotional. These benefits are associated with unique chemical compounds called alkaloids. Kratom leaves and stalks are naturally rich in these alkaloids. Only 25 of them are now discovered, there are over 40 which is still under research. The highly prevalent alkaloids include 7-hydroxy mitragynine, mitraphylline, and mitragynine.

This unique chemical makeup induces some amazing health benefits. It includes stimulation, pain control, stress relief, anti-anxiety, energy-boosting, opiate withdrawal ease, sedation, and euphoria.

Criticism on Kratom

Despite all these effects, Kratom is always a target for critics. First, it was the legal status which was a challenge for its universal market. For the extreme addictive effects, Kratom had a ban on its use and trade in its native areas of cultivation. The situation is better these days, but still, some regions are highly bound by law.

The sedation and euphoria by Kratom also initiated another controversy which was a risk of side effects. The people say that Kratom itself is so powerful that it starts causing the same effects for which once we try to use Kratom. That is alarming information for the regular and long term Kratom users who are more prone to this risk.

Adverse reactions of Kratom

Kratom is an evergreen tree that belongs to the coffee family, Rubiaceae. The native areas of its growth include Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Borneo, Thailand, and Brunei. As per research studies, Kratom mimics the process of opiates. It binds to the MU-opioid receptors and Kappa-opioid receptors. It then controls the feeling of stress, anxiety, and pain.

Kratom is not FDA approved for any medical condition. It is a herbal solution that is available without a prescription. It has no regulation status as a health-based supplement. That is how? There is a high possibility to show extreme health reactions.

The possible reactions

Natural doesn’t always mean good, especially without regulation. Herbal only signifies a form or nature from which Kratom is achieved. Many regular users deal with these undesirable effects, but the important thing is to advertise the correct administration of Kratom. The most obvious side effects include

  • Loss of appetite
  • Blood pressure changes
  • Digestive problems
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Stress
  • Vomiting

You might feel that these changes are not as intense to call it the adverse side effect. These effects are only introductory and what comes after these initial effects is very destructive. These health damages also depend upon the user profile such as age, weight, previous experience with Kratom or opiates, etc.

How Kratom causes Anxiety and Panic?

To answer this question, first, the anxiety has to be known to all readers. As per the online Medical dictionary, “Anxiety is a multisystem response to a perceived threat or danger. It reflects a combination of biochemical changes in the body, the patient’s personal history and memory, and the social situation”.

Anxiety itself is not a problem. It is a combination of multiple psychological and physical factors which result in their extreme condition like anxiety.

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Kratom has a risk of causing various side effects. Most obvious of which include stress, BP changes, and fatigue. These three symptoms along with other secondary effects have a strong potential to shape into a serious health concern such as anxiety.

It suggests that a user cannot get anxiety by taking Kratom. It is a gradual process which is mainly due to mismanagement and poor dosage design. Using the extremely high dosage for the extended period has a high probability of showing these primary symptoms. In case a person ignores these symptoms and continue the use, which most people do, they are more likely to get a depressive state of mind.

How common is Kratom based anxiety?

There are numerous cases that report an Anxiolytic effect by using Kratom. On the other side, the same effect can go in the opposite direction with the same intensity which is kratom cause anxiety.

It shows up as primary symptoms such as excessive thinking, social isolation, panic attacks, shaking, trembling and excessively sweating. All of these move towards one end that is anxiety.

People at high risk of anxiety

More than anything, the patients of any neuropsychiatric conditions are on the verge to face it. Most of the experienced users who become a victim of anxiety are already the patients of any psychological disease or sensitivity.

The adverse effect of Kratom is also dependent on which Kratom strain is underuse. Some higher strains have more potential, both negative and positive. It suggests why using high doses of more top Kratom strains produces more side effects than mild and low strains.

It may be a paradoxical effect that a user may feel by sedation and stimulation only. Relaxation-based anxiety is the most common which is mainly due to unwarranted sedation and cognitive mutilation.

The patients of depression often report anxiety as an unwanted effect. If depression shows up before anxiety, it is an indication that Kratom doesn’t match with the user’s baseline neurochemistry. Or maybe the dose or Kratom strain isn’t suitable. It may lead to panic attacks and anxiety as a subsequent effect.

What influences the side effects to show?

Complaining about the side effects is not a solution. These adverse side effects of the panic attack, depression, stress, and anxiety are more likely to show up with some standard variables. These variables can be anything from the following.

  • Specific Kratom strain
  • Specific Kratom leaf type
  • Dosage of Kratom
  • Administration of the dosage
  • Genetics
  • Health status
  • Medical conditions
  • Frequency of use
  • Interval between doses
  • Term of use
  • Time and mode of administration

Kratom benefits Vs. side effects

Responses to Kratom are variable as per particular use. In some cases, the benefits are more than the side effects. But, contrary, in other cases side effects overcome the therapeutic benefits.

Kratom is highly user-specific which means it may interact with different bodies differently.

The side effects are more likely to show up when any of the things from the user’s end are not satisfactory by health parameters.

Prevention and control

Anxiety due to Kratom is not a disease itself. It is a set of multiple undesirable effects, which after long term becomes anxiety. It doesn’t mean that Kratom has a damaging health effect. It only highlights a condition which if prolongs, turns into panic attacks and anxiety.

To control this situation, it is better to take a moderate dose with proper dosage design and user care. All these factors, if controlled can reduce the risk of devastation by the maximum level.

Christina Earle
Christina Earle is a licensed psychologist practicing in Oakland, California since 1999. She provides counseling to people who are struggling with managing stress, and anxiety related issues. In her free time, she often writes on mental health conditions that educate the individuals to explore ways of improving their health.

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